River Walk is designed and built by and for the community, with partners from near and far. |
The Great Barrington Land Conservancy administers the trail and manages our conservation easements on behalf of the public. The Conservancy is dedicated to conservation and stewardship of our community’s natural resources and special places. |
Local Berkshire Greenagers are responsible for River Walk’s daily care, as we nurture the next generation of environmental stewards. This youth environmental organization is dedicated to community engagement and raising awareness of environmental issues through productive labor in local agricultural and conservation work.

Interns and Apprentices
Antioch College: Kristin Sanzone
Bard College at Simon’s Rock: Jennifer Goodwillie, Phyu Hninn Nyein, William Powell Strayer, Peter Tiso, Trevor Turner
Berkshire Community College: Ryan Caruso, Dan Hassett, Hilary Kirchner, Mac Litishin
Great Barrington: Penelope Lord, Zachary Mino
Greenagers: Jacob Adamczyk, Donovan Baisley, Jesse Blumenthal, Olivia Conforti, Alexandra “Sasha” DeCaro, Jeff DeCaro, Brian Eddy, Jenifer Fuore, Georgina Godfrey, Jakob Johannsson, Todd Johnson, Julius Kyagaba, Katherine Lister, Maya Moro, Kevin Pieropan, Meredith Powell, Kevin Troiano, Will Van Sant, Lukas Wheeler, Kaspar Wilder
University of Rhode Island: Jenna Lee Turner

Among our 3000 volunteers, those with more than 100 hours in the field include Peter Barrett, Gail Berneike, Don Bernier, Glen Chamberlin, Peter Ghani Champoux, Ann Condon, Will Conklin, Heather Cupo, Dana Cummings, Bernard Drew, Monica Schultz Fadding, Rachel Fletcher, Erik Hans Jensen, Peter Jensen, Alden Johnson, Bernard Kirchner, John Mallory, Tony Manzon, Will Marsh, Bob Mills, Mark Pieropan, Judd Reiss, Comstock Small, and Christine Ward.

Student volunteers with more than 50 hours in the field include Andrew Baxter, Jessie Drew, Jenifer Fuore, Willa Johnson, Ben Kalish, Hannah Kirchner, Ben Passmore, Andy Ritter, Aaron Seymour, and Matt Willig. |
Property Owners Along the River Walk
River Walk exists through the generosity and permission of the property owners along the river so that the public may enjoy the riverbank habitat.
The Community Land Trust in the Southern Berkshires, presently Peter Hill, Pink Cloud
Melvin J. Katsh, presently Rite-Aid
Roman Catholic Bishop of Springfield (St. Peter’s Parish)
Lucien and Steven Aigner, presently Carla and Ruairi Collins
Nion Robert Thieriot and Roger C Tryon, presently Josh and Margaret Minges
Dale Culleton, presently Kate and Joel Millonzi
Berkshire Corporation
Town of Great Barrington, presently 79 Bridge Street Realty LLC (The Berkshire)