River Walk’s riverside greenway in the Great Barrington MA downtown center has transformed South Berkshire County’s most devastated riverfront into a National Recreation Trail and local treasure. This community-built and managed trail provides a laboratory for local youth and volunteers to learn about natural resource protection, horticulture, and environmental stewardship.There is much more to do and you can help. All contributions are tax deductible. |
River Walk is Great Barrington Land Conservancy’s oldest continuing conservation initiative. The Conservancy believes that funding must be assured well into the future and is launching the River Walk Future Campaign in order to establish a predictable base of long-term funding and ensure this environmental, educational, and historical treasure will be there for future generations. You can become a founding member of River Walk’s Future Fund. |
Volunteers are most welcome to clean-up and restore the Housatonic riverbank and continue the River Walk trail. Since 1988, more than 3000 community volunteers have re-created native habitat, secured public access, removed 400+ tons of debris, and provided a half-mile of artfully crafted riverside walking trail visited by thousands each year. |
River Walk has received dozens of awards of distinction from the Garden Club of America, American Rivers, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, among others. Accomplishments include a Housatonic River flotilla led by Mahican Native American representatives, the W.E.B. Du Bois River Park named to the African American Heritage trail, the William Stanley Overlook recognizing his electrical advances, and River Walk’s National Park Service designation as a National Recreation Trail. |
River Walk has many partners, from Housatonic Heritage’s African American Heritage Trail to Great Barrington’s Trails and Greenways. The Great Barrington Land Conservancy administers the trail and manages its conservation easements generously granted by property owners along the river. Local Berkshire Greenagers are charged with River Walk’s daily care. Apprentices and volunteers accomplish the community-designed and created greenway, under the leadership of trained professionals. |
The Great Barrington Land Conservancy administers the trail and manages its conservation easements on behalf of the local community. With Greenagers now its community caretakers, River Walk is nurturing the next generation of environmental stewards. Visit Spring, Summer and Fall – Daylight Hours. Free. www.gbriverwalk.org • river@gbriverwalk.org. |