River Walk follows the west bank of the Housatonic River between Cottage Street and Bridge Street. The upstream section extends from the River Walk bulletin board at 195 Main Street to the William Stanley Overlook. The downstream section begins adjacent to the Berkshire Corporation parking lot on River Street and ends at Bridge Street. |
River Walk’s popular brochure can be downloaded here or found at River Walk trailheads and at various kiosks on Main Street. |
River Walk is created by community volunteers who live in and around Great Barrington. The upstream guide describes many of its environmental features and historical sites such as the William Stanley Overlook. |
River Walk is maintained to allow public access to the river and to reclaim its banks for the benefit of wildlife and people The downstream guide explains technical means taken to build and maintain the trail and plant community and features the W.E.B. Du Bois River Park. |
River Walk is a feat of vision and restoration that marks the confluence of ecological renewal, environmental and social justice, the underpinnings of the industrial revolution, and the vitality of a downtown. Few, if any, ecological restoration projects can say the same. River Walk biologist Suzie Fowle looks at River Walk from this perspective. |
Please remember that you are passing through private property and are here as a guest. A few words about trail etiquette, our standards for complying with sound ecological practices, and our policy on motorized use. |